Stories from Opi

Our hardworking producers come from Opi village. 10 families are engaged to produce 20 locally grown black pigs every month. The entire process from growing and making of feed (144 tonnes in 8 months every year) to the raising, slaughtering and packaging of pork is helmed by villagers so everyone stands to benefit from this small social enterprise.

Rajesh Tolange is a hard working man who lives with his wife, Rita and three children. His two daughters are still studying and his younger son is just 13-months old. Rajesh works as an odd-job builder in the village, earning an irregular income. To supplement family income he sells milk from his cow in the market while his wife grows vegetables on their small land. Rajesh went abroad to work a few years ago before the earthquake happened. His heart was filled with tears and bitterness when he could not be with his family during the disaster. His house was completely destroyed and the family suffered terribly. Servicing family loans also means that he is unable to save for the future. Rajesh desires to do something better with Harvest CHOPS as a pig-farmer so he can earn sufficient income for his family.

At 32 years old Durga Mijar is a very hard working and dedicated women. She lives with her husband, Gore Mijar and her young son Daud Mijar. Gore suffers from mental illness so Durga has to work hard as the family’s sole breadwinner. She does labour work whenever it is available and in other times she earns from farming. Her house was completely destroyed by the earthquake in 2015 and she went through a very hard time. She stood strong and fought against difficulties and struggled to bring happiness to her loved ones. She earns a small income which is insufficient to pay off debts and to meet basic needs. Many times, she cannot afford to pay her son’s schools fees and to buy medicine for her husband.

In 2018, a local NGO helped her build an earthquake resistant house for her family. Now she is looking forward to earning enough as a feed-producer with Harvest CHOPS to fill her new home with food and furniture.

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